Monday, March 21, 2011

march 21st 2011

  This past week was bad. Health wise. Hospice has me taking more meds and morphine every hour.
  When I stand up I get really dizzie, Saturday Jill helped me walk around some like I was some drunk.
  Sunday, I had my first real seizure, It sucked!! Larry the dog stayed beside me all the time.Then The trowing up started,that sucks too.
  I guess that the seizure is the first of many.Then the tumor will push harder against my brain, and the insainity will begin. By then.Hospice says they can keep me asleep most of the time.
  I am having trouble  hitting these keys some times so this might be my last entry.
  Remember !!!  Kiss and hug your loved ones,pet your animals,cause they love you,forgive an enemy.
  GOD has a plan for us all,we dont know what it might be,,we just need to accept it and follow it.


  1. Love you Billy. Charlie sends you lots of love! Wish I could take the pain away......

  2. Wish you had better news for us but lots of hugs, love and prayers for you and Jill!
