Saturday, March 5, 2011

March 5th 11

Hi friends:
  Well here I go again.Thursday morning,I went and had that PET scan done. Radition and all..(and no Larry the dog wase'nt involved).
  Friday,I went to Banner Good Sam.and had a 3 hour MRI.with and without dye.
  Later that day I saw the radition doc. and he explained the results of the scans..CRAP !!!!    The tumor the brain surgen took out after Christmas is back and the same size !!(4cm) The tumor in my left lung is just a little larger(11cm},so smoking aint the problem!! The PET scan found a few more,
The right adrenal gland is totally cancerous and non functional.It also found a small tumor near my colon(I thought I was done with that one).
  I sort of cornered the doc. in my own sweet way, and requested a time line.At first he wanted to do full rad.treatment to give me a few months,I told him that he was nothing but a darned salesman, praying on peoples hopes.
  After we got that crap out of the way,I was told about 2 months would be about it.The lung wouldn't do me in, but the brain tumor would get so painful that I would soon become an invalid and insane(oh well).
  The silly doctor finally gave up trying to make more money and had Hospice of the Valley contact me.
  Friday late afternoon a very nice lady from hospice came by the house to interview me. I guess she needed to know about me and Larry, so she could set me up with a nurse that we could get along with.
  Monday,hospice is sending a social worker here to get my brother Ron,and my friend Rich,to sign paper work for my care,meds,and money.Larry can't sign his name yet,so I have to have a neighbor sign as a witness.
  I have decided to have absoulty hospital stuff again.So all the paper work involves DO NOT RESUSATATE. There will be a doctor visiting when the nurses cant do certian things.
Cool !! when it gets really bad,,he can give me DILAUDID.
 I have already filled out forms,that when I get stupid,they are to keep me asleep untill I pass.And they can do that
  Enough about that stuff right now..Please,,,for me,,
Kiss and hug your spouse,,think hard before you scold the kids,talk to old friends,and say a prayer for everyone you know,,,
  Looks like I have only about 6 weeks to keep this blog going,(I'll get really stupid on here)so I guess I better wright more often.
  Just something to think about,,some days I feel too good to die,but think about the people in bike wrecks that felt good too.
                       Love you all


  1. My prayers and blessings are always with you my friend. Wish I could hear your voice and see you and meet Larry. Reminds so much of what my dad went thru only a few years ago. You, like he, are the strongest men I know when faced with such harsh truths. I will tell you everyday, like I did my dad, that I love you!

  2. This post was a bit hard for me because I was hoping we'd get back there before you leave but that's not going to happen unless you or I get a miracle - yea yea I know possible but not probable. Please know you are in my thoughts/prayers. It was nice talking to you the other day and even better to hear you say you were having a good day. I see you are finished with facebook so will be checking this daily for news from you hon...hugs to you and belly rub for Larry

  3. i know you hate when is say this but .... doctors are NOT GODS! they can no more right to tell you how much time you have left than anyone off the street can. i don't want you to be in any pain, but it sounds like you have that covered. hospice is a great organization. i have worked with them with harley before and all the people i have met are wonderful! they are beautiful hearts for you to talk with and give you comfort. jay and i still want to have dinner with you at 5 and Diner. let us know what a good day is for you and we'll pick you up. i love you and think of you everyday ....even if i don't write or talk with you. you are always in my heart. let us hear from you soon. hugs to larry too! aimee

  4. Willy-Billy Sorry to hear your last Doc visit sucked, stay strong, nobody knows how this will all play out but GOD. Please give me a call when you feel up to it, so we can get together.. I Love you man, Uncle Bill

  5. hey, I would like to say thank you for being my frend for over 37 years and Marnies Dad and Clints and Alicias God Father, I know this is not the end, WE WILL SEE ONE OTHER AGAIN. the day you pass I will open a beer for you and remmeber all the fun, love we had and HAVE. I wish I could come down a be with you and make you laugh and remmeber all the thing we did as kids and that you are a very good guy with a big heart. bill please do me a one thing. Like my mom and bob they came to me before going on and told me they love me and all was good, can you please do it too. is life time was not yours but maybe the next one will be. Call me it you would like. I LOVE YOU Chris

  6. hi bill and larry! you haven't posted anything recently so was wondering how you're doing? we would still love to pick you up and take you to 5 and diner if you want to go .... please give us a call or post something. miss you and love you. A

  7. Hey haven't posted in 10 days now and that's not good. I hope they haven't all been bad days:( post something or call me....hugs n love

  8. it's me again ... being a pain but wondering how you are! we miss you and hope that you are feeling alright. please let us help you any way we can. love you.

  9. Hello all...just talked to Bill and Jill...he has had a rough week but still right there with the positive attitude. He said the hospice folks are wonderful and a doctor came by to see him Tuesday. He is heavily medicated to help with the pain and seems to be doing ok for now with that. Have a good evening and remember to hug your loved ones!

  10. Rhonda, thank you for the update! If you talk with him again, please send our love!
