Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 31st and last thoughts

This is just a few thoughts while I'm able to realize what I'm thinking and able to put them down..
   Jill,,,Feb.16th,when we met again after 11 years.Has been some of the best days of my life.I still don't understand why you are here by my side.It's not my good looks nor any far flung promisied future. I love you.
   Tim,,, The bestist student anyone toolmaker could hope to ever have.I know that your not folling thu with the training,but at this point and time you could keep up with some of the best. Sorry I never met your lady.
   Uncle Bill,,,We have been thru thick and thin together,and it was all very good.I know that you have been calling a few times a week,but please just remember the good times.Kiss Ma Ma for me,she's a great lady..
   Tanya,,We never met in person,but with a father like Uncle Bill,you just have to be a great lady..Hug those kids and your old man for me,Please..Matt 6:34
  Chris,,,You have always been there for me.I whish that I could say the same,We had good times and bad.But you were in my heart.Kiss that Charlie for me and a big hug to Hoss..
   Amiee,,,Ah that smile!! You have no idea how happy you made me when I would see your bright face in the morning at work..And of course those Star Bucks cookie things.
  Mr.Jay,,,I think it was a God send,when I saw your add on line.I have never worked with anyone that I enjoyed so much,
Thank you for putting up with me and Larry the dog.I was soo suprised about 5&diner at the hosp. Wished we could have done it again,but health said no,,Grrr I'm gonna keep my eye on you,,hahahah
  Cindy & Chris,,Great friends,good parties,nice bike,and always good thoughts,Great machinest,Keep Texas on their toes!!!
   Rhonda,,,What can I say?Youve been someone special in my heart and told me to share these experiences whith those who might care.You have called at my worst times and brought me around a little.Jill likes you too.Give those doggies and your husband belly rubbs for me.
   Steve,,,I didnt know you were on here ,,sorry,,I guess by now you have read my short story Now you know.Tell the guys at work Hi  & bye for me,
   For those of you that read this but didnt choose to follow,,thats ok,I wish you would have.
  Take care and GOD bless,