Saturday, April 23, 2011


Well my friends,,
  It's 9:30 Saturday night,and I'm feeling pretty good. The nurses have been playing with my medications and it seems to have done some good. At first the dosage wasen't enough and I wanted to die ASAP. Then it went too far,and I slept for almost four days straight (grrrrr). She decreased it some Friday, and when my head somewhat cleared, here I am!!! Almost ready to go dance (ha,ha,ha,)
   The medication in my pac is a mixture of pain killers which includes Dilaudid every 30 minutes. Also I take a tab called Dexamethason (for brain swelling). And oh yea, heres a joke,,They give me a Happy pill every day !! (not really working).
   Did anyone know that all that pain killer stuff makes you constipated? Well I do now!! Thank goodness for prune juice and milk of magnesian (16oz. + 2tbls mixed). The pills they gave me for it did't work. I'll stick with the home remedys.
   I gots me a hair cut !! Nicer to take care of I guess. It dont part worth a darn tho.
 The tattoos are new too, (do not resusatate)same on both sides of my neck, so the paramedics can see and understand, just let me go to my LORD !!
   Looking for all these keys on here makes my eyes sore, so I think I'll sign off soon, but I like checking in here sometimes.  I don't really remember all that I've written down in this blog thing. so I'm sorry if I have repeted myself a bit.
  Friends,,,hug and kiss your loved ones, forgive an enemy, praise our GOD, and STAY healthy !!