Saturday, February 5, 2011

Feb.5 11

Here we go,,,
   A lady I used to know took me to my oncologist (salesman) on friday. He was full of promise and hope for a little more time.He offered radiation to my brain and my lung so I might last a little longer,or just maintnence meds if I decided to do without the radation.Remember folks !!! He's a salesman !! He makes his money by supplying false hope when he knows that stage 4 is it..
  I have been up since 2 am this morning, chatting with people on different sights,And now I've made my concrete decision,,,,NO RADIATION,nor CHEMO !!!!
  Why put off the invevitable and let the salesmen make their $..???
 The lady I used to know sat there and listened to the salesman,and was upset with me when we were done.She dosent think that I am as sick as I am,,,oh well.
  Monday,I go back to my brain surgen for a check up.He dosent sugar coat a darn thing,,I like his style and his bedside manner.He makes his $ on surgery,not false hope.I tend to believe him.
  GOD,,I wish people would accept this as I have and let me have my good days and my bad.I'm not asking for anything other than understanding.GOD forbid,,once you have been here,,you'll understand.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Feb.3 11

  On Feb.1st I woke up feeling great !!  A lady that I used to know, came by around 10:00 to help with appointments. I gotts to feeling rough so I took another 1 of those morphene pills.An hour later,I was in la,la land.My Mother came by and I don't even remember it.Grrrr.
  I stayed in bed from Tue. till late Wed. afternoon.What a waste of time !!!
  I ordered 2 pizzas Wed. night and the delivery guy called 3 times..Boy was he ever lost !! On the third time,almost 2 hr.had gone by,so I told him that he just bought himself 2 pizzas and just go back to the pizza shop.Meanwhile,I called the pizza place and explained the problem.The manager got on the phone and apologized.With my customer #,he knew that I've been ordering from them for at least 5 years.He asked if I still wanted the pizzas and I said yup.As long as they weren't the first ones..In 30min.they arrived and the driver said ''NO CHARGE!!!!''  Gotta love Papa Johns !!
  Friday morning,I have an appointment with the Radiation Doctor in Phx...The way things are going,I hope he can blast this thing in my head.Now I just gotta find a ride. 
  Again,,,anybody wanna buy some machinist tool?? 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Jan.31st 11

  Well,the last part of the 27th was a bust,,,eyeball just started hurtin really bad,stayed in my room in the dark for the rest of the afternoon and night.
  The 28th was my mother's 76th B.D... So I dropped of a card (stuck it in her front door).We dont visit much,she cant accept what going on.
 Saturday,my friend Richard and I went to see my lil' brother Ron,down in Coolidge.Rich helped him install one of those attic door and ladder combos in his garage,,I just watched,Larry the dog played with Ron's dog Bailey,,they got along great!!! Thats a good thing, 'cause Larry goes to Ron when I pass..  Not much discomfort Saturday,,,the day was good !!
  Sunday,,I went to lunch with My Mother,Don,and my brother Ron,all was good! We went to Red Lobster and I ate like a pig !!! I had taken a time release Morphine pill, and all was well,(a guy can get hooked on those).
  When I got home,I checked on my Ins.and Soc.Sec....Yea!
Ins. was accepted,now I just wait for my card so I can get the radiation on by brain.I'm not gonna worry about my lung or colon.Just wanna be able to think straight,and all that stuff.
Soc.Sec. hasent been approved yet,They said they were expiditing my case,,(yea right)
  I had homade chili for dinner and ate like a pig again.Crap !! I'm getting fat!!
 Today, I'm feeling pretty good so far. Gonna see about selling my darn tools again to people I know,If no takers,I'm gonna pick them up from Jay's place and go to some pawn shops this week.A little $ is better then nothing.
  It's almost 9:30 am and I've babbled too much,so take care friends.please check yourself as a follower on here so I might see who is interested in my daily thoughts.