Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jan 27th 11 B

  Yesterday my lil' brother Ron came by and took me to see my good friend Jay. They got along pretty well,talked about guns and such.
  Afterwards.we dropped Larry off at home and went to Country Buffet..I had 4 plates of food and a bowl of beef stew. Ron couldn't believe I could eat so much, ha,ha.ha !!
  About 3:00 I started feeling tired so my day was pretty much over.

Jan 27th 11

  Well on the 12th of Jan...I went to see my Doc again...had another CT scan and got some more bad news. Looks like things are growing pretty fast,crap !! My Doc cut my time about in half.
  I was wondering why my eyeball felt like someone was poking it from the inside !!
 Still gaining wieght and eating like my favorite animal(pig).
Wow,,from 135 to 153 lbs in a week!!!
 Well this is my history so from now on,it will the boring stuff,like every day things.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jan 25th 11 C

  I got to come home on the 5th of Jan. I really wanted to get back to work,but the body said no way.
  I've doing alot of reading about stage 4 and decided that I better get things in order.I gave my truck and trailor away,donated most of my clothing,sorted out personal things and gave them to friends and family.My lil' brother is even going to take my wonder dog,Larry..(back to Larry later)
  Been trying to sell my tools,but no takers yet,,They need to go to someone that will use them.
  Again I say,,,I'm not looking for sympathy,it's just some people wanted to know details.So this is what I'm doing.

Jan.25th 11 B

  My Nerosurgen came in and laid everything on the line. He said that some of my motor skills and coordination(eye to hand) have been damaged..Some may come back,or it may get worse.
  Then he dropped the bomb,,,,,I was stage 4 and I had about 4 to 18 months to go..Awww crap!!
  I'm good with GOD and not afraid of death,so all is well.

Jan,25 11

Well here I am again,,
  On Dec.29th.10..I went into surgery for the tumor.I woke up with a turban and a brain drain.That evening, they did another scan (complete body).The nurse that took me down for the scan,sat with me all night long,but she wouldnt tell me what she had seen.
  I'll say here now that I spent 9 days in ICU and the nurses there were the nicest people I've ever met.  I teased about not having beer in the hospital and then there was a can of Bud Lite with every meal !!! The cans even had a sticker with my name on them..LOL

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jan 24 2011 B

  About 8 months ago I started having little headaches,darn,I never have headaches!!! Before Thanksgiving,my head got worse and my eyes and hands did'nt agree with one another all the time..Grrrr.  I started walking around like I was drunk sometimes.   I stopped seeing friends and family cause I was embaressed.
   At Christmas time,I spent the holiday in my room with a horendise headache,On Dec.27th 2010, I tried to go to work in Scottsdale,but I felt that driving that far might get someone else hurt.
  I went to the E.R. and they did a CT scan and said that I had a bigger problem than just a headache.I was transfered to Banner Good Sam, in Phx. and put in ICU.
  They had found a tumor in my brain about the size of a golf ball,,,CRAP !!!!!!!

Jan.24 2011

Well here we go !
  As some of you know,I had major surgery a few years back for colon problems. At that time I said NO chemo nor radition,a few operations later all cancer seemed to be gone.
  About 3 years ago I started feeling kind of tired all the time,I just thought it was a sign of getting older. I never told my employer because it really wasent his problem,I cut my own hours back and soon got fired,  Since then I've worked part time and contract at different shops around town.