Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feb.16th 2011

 Well I've always been able to pick myself up and dust myself off thru anything that has been delt to me. I've handeled all the trials and tribulations as they have come.
  But this one is something I can't overcome.....I have given up !!
  My tools have been sold(thanks Jay),my truck and trailer have been transfered to a friend(enjoy them Rich),all my guns are gone(Lil' brother has most),I only have two weeks worth of clothing(less laundry),my cremation has been set-up and prepaid. I feel that all things are in order.. 
  Feb.14th. I went to see my brain surgen one last time. As far as he was concerned,if I didn't do radiation or chemo,he no longer had a reason to see me. At least he's not a salesman !!!
  Pain med.s are doing good so far,,I will need one of those oxygen makers in time.But thats down the road I guess.
  With all the people that wanted to hear about this crap,,It's surprising that I have so few followers or comments...Oh well.
  My nose is starting to run alot and there's a familar pain starting in my head just like before the surgery.CRAP !!
  I pray every night that I won't wake up in the morning.But God just dosen't need me just yet I guess. I might seem like a coward, but I don't want the pain that I've heard about.