Monday, April 11, 2011


Now darn it !!!
    Larry needs a loving inside new home !! He's a great doggie,house trained,has alot of training,used to go to work with me, problem is that Larry cant read nor wright,talk nor do math.(yes I'm having one of those few good days)
    My Lil' brother's doggie decided that she wanted to be the alpha doggie at her home,so that didnt work too well.No falt of Ron,Bailey,Larry,no me,,just life.
    My Lady friend is taking care of larry rite now,but she has 2 other doggies now.They are basicly outside doggies,and Larry is'nt.(my fault)
    Where I live now, I have to take him for walks all the time and CRAP !!   I can't hardly walk nowdays.
    For my own heart and Larry's too. We need help!!!
    He's 3 years old,around 75 lbs,hairy,white,brown,tan,and a little black.Part Aussie shepard and part Pit bull(the Aussie is the predominant one).Lays,sits,stays,fetchs,tugs,Shakes paws,stands up and boxes (both paws).
   Jill has been trying to get him to talk a little,but he dosent seem to have much to say yet,But just wait,,,he will someday!

   I'm not asking for $$$,,just a good home and peice of mind for us both,Please call or e-mail me if u have any questions. Or maybe just suggestions on what I may do.
   BTW,today it's 4am monday and I'm doing good this morning,Hospice delevered a new machine yesterday,and some techs are going to install it today. I pray this is gonna work!! And I pray that none of you have to ever go thru this stuff!!
   Remember,,hug your loved ones,rub your pets,make a new friend,make up with an enemy,and  praise our LORD!!!