Thursday, February 3, 2011

Feb.3 11

  On Feb.1st I woke up feeling great !!  A lady that I used to know, came by around 10:00 to help with appointments. I gotts to feeling rough so I took another 1 of those morphene pills.An hour later,I was in la,la land.My Mother came by and I don't even remember it.Grrrr.
  I stayed in bed from Tue. till late Wed. afternoon.What a waste of time !!!
  I ordered 2 pizzas Wed. night and the delivery guy called 3 times..Boy was he ever lost !! On the third time,almost 2 hr.had gone by,so I told him that he just bought himself 2 pizzas and just go back to the pizza shop.Meanwhile,I called the pizza place and explained the problem.The manager got on the phone and apologized.With my customer #,he knew that I've been ordering from them for at least 5 years.He asked if I still wanted the pizzas and I said yup.As long as they weren't the first ones..In 30min.they arrived and the driver said ''NO CHARGE!!!!''  Gotta love Papa Johns !!
  Friday morning,I have an appointment with the Radiation Doctor in Phx...The way things are going,I hope he can blast this thing in my head.Now I just gotta find a ride. 
  Again,,,anybody wanna buy some machinist tool?? 


  1. Hey Bill, glad to hear you're getting fat! I need the company.
    Good luck tomorrow at the Doctors office. Please let me know what they say.
    Aimee and my prayers are with you. - Jay

  2. I do know somebody who wants to buy if you want to sell.
