Saturday, February 5, 2011

Feb.5 11

Here we go,,,
   A lady I used to know took me to my oncologist (salesman) on friday. He was full of promise and hope for a little more time.He offered radiation to my brain and my lung so I might last a little longer,or just maintnence meds if I decided to do without the radation.Remember folks !!! He's a salesman !! He makes his money by supplying false hope when he knows that stage 4 is it..
  I have been up since 2 am this morning, chatting with people on different sights,And now I've made my concrete decision,,,,NO RADIATION,nor CHEMO !!!!
  Why put off the invevitable and let the salesmen make their $..???
 The lady I used to know sat there and listened to the salesman,and was upset with me when we were done.She dosent think that I am as sick as I am,,,oh well.
  Monday,I go back to my brain surgen for a check up.He dosent sugar coat a darn thing,,I like his style and his bedside manner.He makes his $ on surgery,not false hope.I tend to believe him.
  GOD,,I wish people would accept this as I have and let me have my good days and my bad.I'm not asking for anything other than understanding.GOD forbid,,once you have been here,,you'll understand.

1 comment:

  1. I understand Billy and cherish the time you have left in that myself Charlie and Hoss can share it with you! I love you and thank you for all the beautiful memories and your friendship!! I've known you a very long time and only want for you is peace.
