Sunday, April 24, 2011

Another Poem

I don’t want to leave you,
but if God calls me
I hope that you understand
that I can’t say no.
I will always be with you,
if you keep me in your heart
and in your thoughts,
I will never be gone.
I am fitting with all that I have to get better.
I hate this cancer,
I hate that is hurting you.
I promised you that I will be strong
and that I will fight,
but please understand
that if God calls me
I can't say no.


  1. I'm glad to see you are posting again Bill. I hope that means your meds are helping you cope better.
    I'm glad also to see you found a home for Larry. I'm sure that brings you some peace of mind. Speaking of piece of mind, poetry? I had no idea. I find your writing very insightful.
    You are a remarkable guy Bill. You have touched far more than you imagine in so many ways.

  2. Glad you're feeling well enough to be on here sharing again. Don't know what's going on with my phone but will try you again this weekend. Hugs n love, Rhonda

  3. My Billy, I miss you soooo much. I keep track of mom and your boys and you would be proud. JD is another "whisper" and Cliff is doing very well. Brooke, well she is finally growing up. Mom, she is stout and always on the go. I look forward to the time when our hearts are joined together again. It has been three years and I am still, well you know. I know you hear me talking to you, just know you will never be forgotten and when you left you took my heart and soul with you, and that's a good thing!
