Monday, February 28, 2011

Feb.28th 2011

Hi friends;
   Sorry about not adding anything latley,but there just hasent been anything..
   Well maybe there has been,,A lady friend (ex-wife),contacted me on Facebook,,,COOL !! I was concerned about meeting up with her but Hey!! what did I have to lose?
It's been great so far, Jill dosent ask anything of me and I dont ask anything of her..Seems like we should have stayed together thru all those years past.
  Saturday, we went to that Lost Dutchmans thing in Apache Juction. A very dear friend of mine was playing on stage all afternoon !! If anyone can get a chance to see him and his band,,PLEASE do !! Also we met up with my bestist friend,,Bill..He looked great !!! Jill and I danced one dance and walked around abit,Then I spoiled things by getting tired,,,Grrrrr
  The headaches are still sneaking up on me(maybe 'cause I cut back on my meds). And now I'm starting to feel the crap in my chest,,Seems like I'm breathing alittle faster to get my air. And my left side of my chest feels alittle heaver(like someone is pressing on me). Oh well one day at a time,Right?
  I taught Larry the dog to stay off my bed, 'cause now I call him Harry Larry( he's shedding all over!!).He will be going to my lil' brothers home when I'm gone and he dosent allow his doggie on the bed.But now,when I get undressed for the night Larry scrunches up my clothes and sleeps on them.What a dog I have !!
  I miss all of my friends, and wish I could share time with you all..To those that have called,,Thank you..To those of you that take the time to comment,,Thank you too..I love reading them !!
  Please remember,,make your peace with GOD now !!!  You just never know (do you?). I did along time ago,even when some people didnt see it that way.In the book of Matthew,chapter 6,,Jesus told his buddies that they shouldnt run around prayin and singing so's everyone could hear,,Only GOD needs to hear you,( it goes something like that)
  I'll try to get on here alittle more if my friends wanna read
                            Love you all !!!


  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend! I'm happy to hear you and Jill reconnected!!! It's nice to hear a smile on your face. Have a beautiful day my friend!
    Love you dearly!!

  2. I'm glad you had a good weekend and hope today is a beautiful day as well. Thanks for the reminder from Matthew as well - never hurts to be reminded. Thoughts and prayers are with you every day hon...hugs

  3. i am so happy that you had a great weekend and reunited with a friend. i could almost see that sweet smile of yours on your face when i was reading this! it's been a while since i've seen that, and i miss it my friend~ now about larry ...... as far as i can see he should be able to do anything he wants! (you know me and puppies!) he loves you and if he needs to be with you now, than let him! spoil him like he spoils you with his unconditional love.

    if you can, lets' meet up at 5 and diner so you and jay can get some liver an onions! invite jill ... i would love to meet her.

    i love you, bill and pray for you everday. you are now and will always be my friend. xoxo

  4. Good to hear about how you're spending your time. It sounds like you are having some fun and re-connecting with old friends.
    I second Aimee's idea for 5 and Diner. We can pick you up and deliver you back if you like. When's a good time?
    Take care. Write often if you feel like it. We all want to hear how and what you are doing. If I can help ni any way, call me.


  5. Bill, So glad you got out to the Lost Dutchman celebration in Apache Junction and even happier you got to visit with my Dad. He is so happy to have gotten to see you. He's anxious to do it again---wants to meet Larry. :) Sounds like Jill is a great women and it's great that you have reconnected. Know that we are praying for you and love ya, Tan

  6. Willy-Billy Since we've spoken since we were together, lets get together again soon,you know the when, where, how is up to you, I'll be there. I love you , Forever...Uncle Bill
